Thursday, February 25, 2016

Will White Supremacist Support Be Enough for GOP Voters to "Sit Out"?

The majority of my friends and family do no share my political persuasion and label themselves as Republican or "conservative."  One of the traits that is common among them all, and admirable in most contexts is that of loyalty.

I am truly frightened if that trait is going to carry over to the 2016 Presidential election.  Absent some unforeseen event, all polling and news reporting indicates that Donald Trump will accept the GOP's nomination to run for POTUS. His likely opponent will be Hillary Clinton.

My GOP friends have a serious dislike of Hillary Clinton.  I used to get it.  I grew up in family where Ronald Reagen was second only to Jesus.

But here we are in 2016, and these same GOP friends lament that Mike Judge's Idiocracy is coming true.  And I have asked them, "What are you going to do?"

Most tell me that if The Donald is the nominee, they won't vote at all for POTUS, which is a decision I can respect.  I have done the same in the recent Alabama Gubernatorial Elections in recent years as the Alabama Democratic Party put up a party switching opportunist. 

But my concern is that loyalty to Political Party, and blind hatred of the Democratic Nominee (whoever it is), will override a reasonable decision to "sit out" this election.  I encourage my GOP friends who are inclined to vote for the more measured, but losing, candidates to do the following:

Remember that the House of Representatives is unlikely to switch to a Democratic majority anytime soon.  So sitting out in the general election for POTUS protects your interests.

A GOP House and a Democratic President of produced historically great economic success for the country.  (And yes, this is simplistic, but wait until you get to the conclusion, because these points are to set your mind at ease if you choose to "sit out.")  Here's a citation for you to consider.  

Making the effort to prevent the Donald from being elected President might let the GOP Party leaders find a way to refocus their message and start anew.  Let's face it, a non-Trump GOP voter not involved in party machinations is wondering what the hell is going on?

So, for those who feel a moment of weakness in November, remember that "telling it like it is" is giving the country a voice to say the following:

Read and LISTEN to the following Robocall:

Review this frightening piece
David Duke has noted that Trump has given voice to white nationalism

And this one.

Sadly, I think the knee jerk response is "this is just the 'liberal media' going after the GOP candidate."  But for my friends who can get past this reaction, I think it is time to admit the GOP has lost control of its party and that the American equivalent of Greece's Golden Dawn Party and and other growing white nationalist groups in Europe is about to emerge in this country.

So I encourage those loyal to their conservative values, sitting out and not voting for The Donald is the way to stay loyal to those values. 

But I must ask, in light of the Donald's likely nomination - What is Wrong with Us?  How did this ever happen?  

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Senators Shelby and Sessions - opposing Judge Kallon's 11th Cir. Nomination says more about you than it ever will about him.

Senators Sessions and Shelby - What is Wrong with You?

President Obama recently nominated United States District Judge Abdul Kallon to serve as a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
Here is your citation!

Judge Kallon was a District Court nominee both of you vetted, supported, and voted for in 2009.  Turns out that vote was unanimous!

So now, let's ask why you would oppose this nomination!  Oh wait, politics

Senator Shelby, you are in an election campaign.  You need something to "stand up to Obama" every single day and you got what you wanted!  You can now smear a highly qualified, good man as a "liberal" and put his face in front of Alabama's racist voters.   

And your opposition can't risk disagreeing with you.  In fact, they will have to double down and probably say even worse things in racially coded language.  

As for Senator Sessions, none of this is shocking.  Concerns about his tendency for racism have existed ever since his nomination for a judge's seat was rejected by the Senate in 1986.  
You can fact check this one to satisfy yourself! 

So here we go, another good man serving the public AND qualified for the position is about to become a political football for no reason whatsoever.  

Senator Shelby - what is wrong with you?  

Senator Sessions?  - we know what's wrong with you.  The Better question is what can we do to help you change for the better (whether you are in or out of office?)