Friday, January 29, 2016

Even Netflix Thinks People are Missing the Point

The Phenomenon of Neflix's Making a Murderer is shining example of unintended consequences.

I am turning your attention to the following article in today's New York Times: 

Please read the article in full before proceeding so you can take in the information before drawing conclusions.

Manitowoc's Wisconsin's government employees and volunteers within the community are being  berated because they live and work in the same city that is the subject of Steven Avery's criminal story.

I am also writing to those people traveling to the Avery’s Auto Salvage & 24 Hour Towing sign to "take selfies."

For the people contacting Manitowoc's government employees via telephone, email, and social media and leaving ugly and unnecessary messages, I must ask, What's Wrong with You?  Did you not comprehend the point of the documentary series.  What happened to Steven Avery and Brenday Dassey could happen to you.

Instead of screaming at the powerless volunteer at the Manitowoc's Historical Society, I suggest you get on your state government's website and identify your local legislator and make him or her aware of the issue and demand that your state's criminal justice system work such that a similar mistake is not repeated.  For those of you in Alabama, here is the link:

The Attorneys General of Alabama have never conceded a mistake, even when they are wrong.  Read the story of Anthony Ray Hinton:

I suggest you contact the Innocence Project and learn about the injustices going on in your own state and find out how you can support those are wrongfully convicted.

As for those driving to Avery’s Auto Salvage & 24 Hour Towing lot to take selfies, for pete's sake, what's wrong with you?  Show some humility  This documentary is not produced for your entertainment.  The documentary is intended to make you aware of a flawed criminal justice system that very well could convict you of a crime you did not commit and that policing is a power that needs to be checked and balanced.

The Avery's home is not akin to visiting Graceland or the Empire State Building.  Even if you are fully in support of Mr. Avery's and Mr. Dassey's innocence, you are being horribly indifferent to the Steven Avery's parents and family and treating them the way the paparazzi treat Hollywood when you sit there and take a selfie. 

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