Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Pundits Mock President Obama for Crying During Press Conference

Following yesterday’s press conference in which President Obama announced the entry of his Executive Order that included expanding the definition of what constitutes a firearms dealer, a slew of conservative pundits, and sadly regular people via the internet, mocked the President for shedding tears when he discussed the Newtown, Connecticut massacre.  

Let’s be clear about what you are mocking:  you are mocking another human being for crying when discussing the murders of 20 first grade children and 6 adults in their classroom at an elementary school.  

If you joined in this mockery, I’ve got to ask, “What the hell is wrong with you?”  

I realize some will echo these pundits and say that President Obama “faked it” or bring up some other tragedy in which a usually stoic man did not evoke enough emotion to your satisfaction.  

But let’s come back to the point:   you are mocking another human being for crying when discussing the murders of 20 first grade children and 6 adults in their classroom at an elementary school.  

A good friend provided this link in regard to the President's meeting with the parents of these 20 executed children. 

Blessed are those that mourn, for they will be comforted.  Comfort sometimes involves sharing tears.

If you posted something ugly about a man comforting those that mourn, ask yourself this - What the hell is wrong with you?  And if you figure it out, take heart, because through the grace of Jesus Christ, you can find forgiveness. 

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