Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kim Davis's choice of outfit is not due to be mocked

So apparently Kim Davis, Kentucky's most famous County Clerk, attended the State of the Union Address last night.

Here is your citation (just in case you didn't notice it on the multiple television broadcasts).

And then the internet went aflame with nasty comments about her choice of apparel.  Among Facebook commenters I have perused, one referred to her as wearing a sleeping bad, another mocking her for wearing an ugly American flag, and then frankly I had enough and quit looking for more.

The issue of same-sex marriage involves a dispute over deeply held beliefs within the Christian church and many other faiths.  Ms. Davis is one of the many with such a deeply held belief.  And to be clear, this author asserts she irresponsibly applies her belief to her position as an elected government official and mistakenly believes she is a required to impose that belief on the citizens of her county.  There is a legal remedy to resolve this dispute and Ms. Davis has been told she is legally wrong throughout every step of the way inside the court system.  

However, for those of you who decided to mock her choice of outfit, I must ask, "What is wrong with you?"

Ms. Davis's deeply held belief is tied to her Christian faith.  I share that faith and I think with further education and understanding of Jesus Christ's mysterious teachings and inspiration, Ms. Davis might reconsider her position on the issue of same-sex marriage and realize her adherence to an unloving position is due to be abandoned.  But mocking Ms. Davis for her clothing is not the message of love that will open her heart. or the hearts of others that share her point of view.  Instead, it is childish behavior, which the "collective we" often laments because "we" know children are often times mindlessly cruel.

Let's be more mindful. 

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